C O U N s E L I N G
- Must be at least 18 years of age.
- Must have at least four weeks of experience in structured group camping and/or at least four weeks experience in a supervisory role with children or have satisfactorily completed a camp counselor orientation program prior to the arrival of campers.
- Must be a responsible, mature and dependable Christian.
- Flexible and creative.
- Have stamina and a desire to work in a camp setting.
- Have a love for children.
- Must possess current First AID and CPR certification.
- To provide and encourage a friendly, accepting, peaceful and unified cabin unit which gets along well with other cabin units.
- To maintain a smooth running cabin program where campers feel comfortable and accepted, and where emotional and spiritual support is readily available.
1. Be a Christian example to campers while exemplifying the lifestyle and ideals
of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
2. Treat each camper with courtesy and respect.
3. Actively participate and encourage campers in all facets of camp life,
including assigned periods.
4. Assist in various areas where needed.
5. Attend recreation period each day, and help with games and activities on rainy
6. Be available to each camper as a spiritual role model, friend, guide and
7. Lead cabin unit in regular morning and evening devotions.
8. Help campers maintain courteous dining room decorum by limiting loud
talking, unruly behavior, running, table cleanliness, etc.
9. Help campers regulate their food intake to provide maximum nutrition with a
minimum of food waste.
10. Enforce nighttime curfew so as to allow campers to get enough rest each
11. Utilize democratic decision-making processes rather than authoritarian
control methods.
12. In all discipline matters, be consistent, respectful, firm and loving. Use
positive reinforcement.
13. .Adopt a manner which disciplines rather than punishes the offender.
14. Make special efforts to preserve the integrity and social acceptance of each
camper, insuring a group climate of affirmation rather than attack.
15. Be sensitive to camper behavior in all camp programs (campfires, Sabbath
services, etc.).
16. Monitor camper behavior so individuals will not be a disruptive influence on
fellow campers, program participants, or others engaging in the service.
17. Do not use, at any time or under any circumstances, corporal punishment on
the camper as a means of discipline or control.
18. Consistently be alert to the physical care and welfare of each camper in your
19. Give special attention to campers; personal grooming, cleanliness, need for
rest and proper food, symptoms of illness or medical attention, and behavior
which might lead to accidental bodily harm to self or others
20. Refer immediately to the camp medical office any physical or emotional
problems needing medical attention.
21. Use scheduled free time and/or time off allotted away from counseling
responsibilities to best personal advantage as a means of rejuvenating
personal mental, emotional, spiritual and physical reserves.
22. At all times support entire staff team, encouraging campers' cooperation with
all staff assigned to their care and reinforcing the mission of the camp.
23. Plan special cabin activities with campers to build a sense of unity by having
cabin walks, rest period story sessions, special unit activities, etc.
24. Strive throughout the week, in all facets of the campers' experience, to create
a spiritual atmosphere which will impact the campers spiritually enough to
cause them to respond when asked to make a decision for Christ.
25. Engage in a program of personal development and continuing education for
further refining counseling skills through personal reading, dialogue with
directors and/or other camp staff.
26. Have knowledge of emergency procedures including codes (black, yellow,
blue, green).
- Must be able to assist campers in emergency (fire, evacuation, illness, or injuries) and possess strength and endurance required to maintain constant supervision of peers.